Famous Authors from St. Louis, Missouri

Discover some of the most famous authors from St. Louis, Missouri! Learn about Laura Ingalls Wilder's iconic work The Little House series and find out how to access SHSMO's digital collections.

Famous Authors from St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis, Missouri has been home to some of the most renowned authors in history. From Laura Ingalls Wilder to G'Ra Asim, the city has produced a number of writers who have made their mark on the literary world. Wilder's The Little House series, which was published in the 1930s and 1940s, is one of the most iconic works of historical fiction and helped shape the popular idea of the American frontier.

The books were based on her autobiography but included fictional elements to make them more appealing to young readers. The State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSMO) has a robust digitization program that provides access to newspapers, photographs, maps, letters, and other manuscripts. Senior Archivist Heather Richmond and Newspaper Librarian Katie Ziegler offer tips for getting the most out of these digital collections, no matter what your research objectives are. They can help you browse the digital collections website and collection of digital newspapers, as well as access material, use advanced and faceted searches, and browse and search by date. Missouri authors have made their mark on the state and the world in a variety of ways. Writers from Missouri have left their mark on literature with their words and experiences recorded in their works.

T. S. Eliot, who was born in St. Louis, Missouri, was one of the pioneers of the modernist movement in the United States and Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Shane Mullen, who takes authors from St.

Louis to independent bookstores to sign and read their works, said: "St. Louis has a lot of fantastic authors".

Grace Froberg
Grace Froberg

Devoted social media geek. Passionate twitter junkie. Writer. Amateur zombie geek. Incurable internet practitioner. Infuriatingly humble bacon geek.